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Digital Cables

208  Products
of 5

Το ψηφιακό ομοαξονικό καλώδιο AudioQuest's Carbon είναι ένας πολύ έξυπνος τρόπος για να συνδέσετε τα ψηφιακά εργαλεία υψηλής απόδοσης. Μια καλή εφαρμογή είναι η σύνδεση μιας συσκευής αναπαραγωγής CD σε μετατροπέα ψηφιακού προς αναλογικό ή επεξεργαστή σήματος. Τα ψηφιακά ομοαξονικά καλώδια της AQ χρησιμοποιούν υλικά και τεχνικές κατασκευής που ελαχιστοποιούν την παραμόρφωση σε ένα εξαιρετικά μέγαλο εύρος ζώνης.  Το AQ Carbon βασίζεται σε έναν συμπαγή αγωγό για την εξάλειψη της παραμόρφωσης της αλληλεπίδρασης του νήματος και τη μείωση του jitter. Οι επιχρωμιωμένοι ασημένιοι αγωγοί είναι εξαιρετικοί για εφαρμογές πολύ υψηλής συχνότητας. Τα ψηφιακά ηχητικά σήματα εμπίπτουν σε αυτό το φάσμα υψηλών συχνοτήτων και ταξιδεύουν σχεδόν αποκλειστικά στην επιφάνεια του αγωγού.Δεδομένου ότι η επιφάνεια είναι κατασκευασμένη από ασήμι υψηλής καθαρότητας, η απόδοση του Carbon είναι πολύ κοντά σε εκείνη ενός συμπαγούς καλωδίου αργύρου, αλλά η τιμή του είναι πολύ πιο κοντά σε ένα στερεό χάλκινο καλώδιο.Τα καλώδια είναι μια κοινή διαδρομή για το ανεπιθύμητο θόρυβο που εισέρχεται στο σύστημά σας, αλλά το σύστημα πολλαπλών στρώσεων (NDS) του AudioQuest δημιουργεί ισχυρή άμυνα. Τα τυπικά συστήματα θωράκισης καλωδίων απορροφούν και στη συνέχεια απορροφούν θόρυβο και ενέργεια ραδιοσυχνοτήτων σε συνιστώσα εδάφους, η οποία διαμορφώνει και παραμορφώνει το κρίσιμο επίπεδο αναφοράς "αναφοράς".Η εφαρμογή της NDS σε συνθετικά με μέταλλα και άνθρακα "προστατεύει την ασπίδα", απορροφώντας και αντανακλώντας το μεγαλύτερο μέρος αυτής της ενέργειας προτού φτάσει στο στρώμα που είναι συνδεδεμένο με το έδαφος των εξαρτημάτων. Μια επάργυρη ασπίδα πλεξούδας και ένα πρόσθετο στρώμα φύλλου χαλκού μπλοκάρουν αποτελεσματικά τις ηλεκτρομαγνητικές παρεμβολές (EMI).Οι συνδέσεις RCA του Carbon είναι επενδυμένες με κρεμαστό ασήμι, μια πολύ παχιά και ασυνήθιστα καθαρή άμεση επένδυση που γίνεται με την βύθιση μεμονωμένων βυσμάτων σε καθαρό ασήμι, κάτι που αποτελεί μια ανώτερη προσέγγιση στην τυπική διαδικασία ηλεκτρολυτικής πλήρωσης παρτίδων βύσματος,Το AudioQuest χρησιμοποιεί εξαιρετικά καθαρό μοβ χαλκό για τα βύσματα βάσης, τα οποία είναι στερεωμένα με κρύα συγκόλληση - μια διαδικασία χωρίς συγκόλληση που χρησιμοποιεί πάστα υψηλής πίεσης και ασήμι για να ελαχιστοποιήσει την απώλεια σήματος. Αντιθέτως, η συγκόλληση τείνει να παρεμποδίζει το σήμα και η θέρμανση του αργύρου μπορεί να επηρεάσει αρνητικά την αγωγιμότητα του.   

332 €
36 Instalments 11,46€ / month
Upon Order

The new Melco C100 Ethernet cable provides the very best quality cabling solution for Melco libraries and other Ethernet audio-enabled devices. The C100 has been carefully tested and matched with all Melco libraries to ensure no loss of quality. It also benefits from asymmetric drain wire grounding, where one end of the cable features a ground point. Unwanted noise, either external or from connected devices, travels in one direction to the ground end, not interfering with delicate signal transmission.The opposite (non-grounded) end of the cable features an innovative ‘floating’ shield, which is not attached to the connector plug, meaning unwanted noise cannot transfer to connected audio devices downstream.

120 €
12 Interest Free Instalments 10,00€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
In Stock

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

11 €
36 Instalments 0,38€ / month
In Stock

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

11 €
36 Instalments 0,38€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

15 ,62 €
36 Instalments 0,54€ / month
Upon Order

UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting a sound card, USB microphone, instrument or most computer peripherals to a computer.

12 €
36 Instalments 0,41€ / month
Upon Order

Connect your USB device with the high quality UDG Ultimate Audio cables. These USB 2.0 cables, with an improved design, help DJs and producers maximize their performance and are ideal for home and professional use where flawless sound is essential. UDG Ultimate Audio Cables are designed for connecting USB devices. They are ideal for connecting sound cards, USB microphones, instruments or most peripherals to a computer.

18 €
36 Instalments 0,62€ / month
Upon Order