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Ασυγχώρητα VintageΤο Warm Audio Centavo είναι μια ακριβής αναδημιουργία ενός από τα πιο ανεπίτευκτα overdrive πετάλια στην ιστορία της κιθάρας. Φημισμένο για το χαρακτηριστικό του boost και τα παραμορφωμένα tones, ο χαμός για το πολύ δημοφιλές πετάλι συνεχίζεται μέχρι και σήμερα, πολύ μετά από την αρχική παραγωγή του από το 1994 μέχρι το 2009. Με τις τιμές να υψώνονται ασύγκριτα για ένα πετάλι με 3 περιστρεφόμενα, δεν είναι περίεργο που κιθαρίστες όπως , o Jeff Beck, Joe Perry, John Mayer και Josh Homme βρήκαν όλη την μυθική μαγεία των πρωτότυπων πεταλιών να αξίζουν την διασημότητα. Το Warm Audio Centavo είναι ένα πιστό στο πρωτότυπο overdrive πετάλι που αναδημιουργεί αυθεντικά την θρυλική εμπειρία και τις λατρεμένες χροιές του αρχικού, θρυλικού πεταλιού.Κληρονομιά στα πόδια σαςΕίτε κυνηγάτε τις παραμυθένιες boost χροιές, την edge-of-breakup παραμόρφωση, ή θέλετε να ωθήσετε το ρυθμικό κανάλι σε πραγματική τραχύτητα – το Centavo έχει όλες τις λατρεμένες χροιές του πρωτότυπου πεταλιού. Το Centavo λειτουργεί άνετα ως πετάλι boost, ενώ ο κορεσμός σε μεγαλύτερες ρυθμίσεις gain προσφέρει μία πλατφόρμα για αληθινά διαφανή και καθαρά παραμορφωμένα ρυθμικά tones. Η προσθήκη του “MOD” διακόπτη στο πίσω μέρος – κάτι που είχε ζητήσει ο Jeff Beck από τα αρχικά πετάλια – δίνει την δυνατότητα στους μουσικούς να επεκτείνουν την ανταπόκριση του μπάσου, επηρεάζοντας τις χαμηλότερες χορδές για επιπρόσθετες χαμηλές αρμονικές.Ρυθμιστικά Πεταλιού και ΈλεγχοςΤο Centavo έχει τρία βασικά ρυθμιστικά στο πάνω μέρος – Gain, Treble & Output. Το gain στο Centavo σπάει αρκετά προς το τέλος, με το edge of breakup να ξεκινάει μετά το 50% και πραγματικό clipping να επιτυγχάνετε αργά στο gain stage. To treble ρυθμιστικό είναι χρήσιμο για να δώσετε λίγα πρίμα σε πιο «λασπωμένες» κιθάρες, όπως μοντέλα με διπλό humbucker ή όργανα 100% από Μαόνι. Το Centavo είναι εξοπλισμένο με output και μπορεί εύκολα να δώσει μία καθαρή ώθηση ή να δημιουργήσει μια φυσική παραμόρφωση αν οι λυχνίες στον ενισχυτή ήδη έχουν ώθηση. Πατώντας το MOD διακόπτη από πίσω είναι ένα καλό εργαλείο να έχετε στην διάθεσή σας αν το overdrive αρχικά ακούγεται στενό στα χαμηλά.

174 €
12 Άτοκες Δόσεις 14,50€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Δημιουργήστε ένα εξατομικευμένο προφίλ ήχου μέσω της Masimo Adaptive Acoustic Technology (AAT) για ήχο που είναι απόλυτα συντονισμένος σε εσάς. Προσθέστε ήχο ποιότητας-CD από την τεχνολογία Qualcomm aptX χωρίς απώλειες και ήχο με αίσθηση του χώρου από την Dirac Virtuo για μία ασυναγώνιστη εμπειρία ακρόασης.Η ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟΥ ΗΧΟΥΤα πρώτα-στο-είδος-τους ακουστικά που θα φοράτε παντού επειδή είναι εξατομικευμένα για εσάς.ΕΞΑΤΟΜΙΚΕΥΜΕΝΟΣ ΗΧΟΣΗ Masimo Adaptive Acoustic Technology (AAT) δημιουργεί ένα μοναδικό προφίλ ακοής συντονισμένο τέλεια με τα αφτιά σας.ΠΛΗΡΗΣ, ΑΣΥΜΠΙΕΣΤΟΣ ΗΧΟΣΑνακαλύψτε τον ασυμπίεστο ήχο τόσο με τεχνολογίες χωρίς απώλειες όσο και με τεχνολογίες ήχου με αίσθηση του χώρου.ΑΦΗΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ ΕΞΩ Ή ΑΦΗΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΝΑ ΜΠΕΕπιλέξτε αθόρυβη λειτουργία με ενεργή καταστολή θορύβου ή ακούστε τους περιβαλλοντικούς σας ήχους στη Λειτουργία Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης (Social Mode).ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΗΧΟΣ DENONΑπολαύστε την ποιότητα του χαρακτηριστικού ήχου της Denon, που έχει συντονιστεί χειροκίνητα από τον Denon Sound Master και περιγράφεται ως ζωντανός και με αίσθηση του χώρου.ΟΙ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΕΣ ΦΩΝΗΤΙΚΕΣ ΚΛΗΣΕΙΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑΜε το Qualcomm aptX™ Voice για φωνητικές κλήσεις υπερ-ευρείας ζώνης (32 kHz) και οκτώ μικρόφωνα για λήψη φωνής, οι φωνητικές σας κλήσεις θα είναι καθαρές.ΣΥΝΔΕΣΤΕ ΤΑ ΣΕ ΔΥΟ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΤΑΥΤΟΧΡΟΝΑΜε το Multipoint, μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε σε δύο συσκευές ταυτόχρονα.

299 €
36 Δόσεις 10,32€ / μήνα
Διαθέσιμο στην αποθήκη
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Ο εξατομικευμένος ήχος που τροφοδοτείται από την Masimo Adaptive Acoustic Technology (AAT) συνδυάζεται με τον χαρακτηριστικό ήχο της Denon για να προσφέρει μια εξατομικευμένη, ζωντανή εμπειρία ήχου με αίσθηση του χώρου.ΤΟ ΔΙΚΟ ΣΑΣ ΗΧΗΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΦΙΛΗ Masimo AAT δημιουργεί το μοναδικό προφίλ ακοής σας μετρώντας πολύ ασθενείς ήχους που ονομάζονται ωτο-ακουστικές εκπομπές (OAE) που παράγονται από τα αφτιά σας. Στη συνέχεια, τα ακουστικά διαμορφώνουν ηχητικά τη μουσική σας, έτσι ώστε να ακούτε κάθε λεπτομέρεια με εκπληκτική ευκρίνεια.ΕΞΑΤΟΜΙΚΕΥΜΕΝΟΣ ΗΧΟΣΗ Masimo Adaptive Acoustic Technology (AAT) δημιουργεί ένα μοναδικό προφίλ ακοής συντονισμένο τέλεια με τα αφτιά σας.ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΙΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΗΧΟΣ DENONΑπολαύστε την ποιότητα του χαρακτηριστικού ήχου της Denon, που έχει συντονιστεί χειροκίνητα από τον Denon Sound Master και περιγράφεται ως ζωντανός και με αίσθηση του χώρου.ΑΦΗΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ ΕΞΩ Ή ΑΦΗΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΝΑ ΜΠΕΙΕπιλέξτε αθόρυβη λειτουργία με ενεργή καταστολή θορύβου ή ακούστε τους περιβαλλοντικούς σας ήχους στη Λειτουργία Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης (Social Mode).ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΗ ΙΣΧΥΣ ΜΠΑΤΑΡΙΑΣΈξι ώρες διάρκεια ζωής της μπαταρίας των ακουστικών ανά φόρτιση και τρεις επιπλέον φορτίσεις στη θήκη προσφέρουν 24 ώρες ισχύος.ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ΒΥΘΙΣΗΣ (IMMERSION MODE)Προσαρμόστε τη στάθμη των μπάσων με βάση το στυλ της μουσικής ή τις προσωπικές σας προτιμήσεις.ΠΑΝΩ ΑΠΟ ΕΝΑΣ ΑΙΩΝΑΣ ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑΣ ΗΧΟΥΑπό το 1910, η Denon έχει ίσως κάνει περισσότερες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις από οποιαδήποτε άλλη εταιρεία ήχου. Η αφοσίωσή μας στην πρωτοποριακή ηχητική καινοτομία έχει εδραιώσει τη φήμη μας ως οραματιστές και καινοτόμοι, όχι μόνο στους πελάτες μας, αλλά και στους συνεργάτες και τους ανταγωνιστές μας.

159 €
36 Δόσεις 5,49€ / μήνα
Διαθέσιμο στην αποθήκη
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This pair of subwoofers is specifically designed to enhance the audio experience in the latest generation of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The easy-to-install Plug and Play kit ensures that your audio system will deliver deep, impactful bass, creating a truly powerful listening experience. The neodymium motor is a key factor in achieving optimized performance, and its compact form allows for seamless integration.Left-hand drive subwoofers developed in FranceQuick and easy installation, with no alterationsInvisible integration into the passenger compartmentAdvanced speaker protectionPlug & Play connector dedicated to the vehicle

699 €
36 Δόσεις 24,13€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The classic Vicoustic's flagship Wavewood continues its remarkable career in this Ultra Lite edition. Made with Standard MDF and melamine, a highly durable material, the Wavewood Ultra Lite panel is available in 6 different colours. Alongside this, the Wavewood uses acoustic foam polyurethane for absorption. Wavewood Ultra Lite is the budget line solution for updating the iconic absorber.

629 €
36 Δόσεις 21,72€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Ο Marantz Cinema 30 ειναι AV ραδιοενισχυτης home cinema, 13.4 καναλιων. Ισχυς 11x 140 watts (per channel into 8 ohms at 0.08% THD, 2 channels driven). Αποκωδικοποιει Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, IMAX Enhanced και Auro-3D. HDMI 2.1 8K/60Hz 7 in, 3 out.SpecificationsPower and processing:11-channel amplifier140 watts per channel into 8 ohms (20-20,000 Hz) at 0.05% THD, with 2 channels drivenMarantz's Hyper Dynamic Amplifier Modules (HDAM) offer exquisite detail and dynamic range while reducing noiseDolby®, DTS®, and Auro-3D® surround sound decodingDolby Atmos® and DTS:X processing for use with in-ceiling or "height" speakers for more enveloping home theater soundDolby Atmos Height Virtualization and DTS Virtual:X create three-dimensional effects without height speakersIMAX® Enhanced reproduces the full dynamic range of specially encoded IMAX soundtracks from compatible sourcesanalog-to-HDMI video conversionAudyssey speaker calibration and system optimization includes:MultEQ® XT32 auto setup and room calibration delivers balanced, dynamic sound with enhanced surround performanceDynamic Volume anticipates loud sounds to keep volume levels evenDynamic EQ improves dialogue, bass response, and surround channel levels at lower volumesSub EQ HT provides individual calibration for four subwoofers, for even bass response throughout the roomLow Frequency Containment reduces the amount of bass that bleeds into other roomsAudyssey MultEQ Editor app for further audio customization (paid app; not included)optional Dirac Live room calibration and bass managementrequires purchase of separate license from Diracrequires separate PC or Mac and a third-party USB microphone (all sold separately)Digital and streaming music options:built-in Wi-Fi for listening to music from a networked PC, free internet radio, and music servicesHEOS Built-in technology wirelessly connects compatible HEOS components for whole home audioincludes support for Pandora®, TIDAL, SiriusXM, and Spotify® (subscription required for some services)free HEOS app offers easy Wi-Fi control, settings adjustments, and music selection and playbackworks with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant voice controllersAirPlay 2 lets you stream directly from your Apple® devicesupports multi-room audio with compatible wireless speakersbuilt-in Bluetooth for wireless music listening with smartphones, tablets, and compatible computersBluetooth transmission for sending audio from the receiver to Bluetooth-enabled headphonesplay audio through Bluetooth headphones only, or through Bluetooth headphones and connected speakers simultaneouslyplays high-resolution digital music files via USB storage device or a networked computer (PCM up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution; DSD up to 5.6 MHz)works as a Roon player (requires subscription and Roon Core running on your network)Roon Core is media server software that runs on your computer, NAS drive, or other compatible hardwareMulti-room audio/video:three-room/three-source outputpowered stereo outputs for second and third rooms allow playback in three rooms at onceline-level 2nd- and 3rd-room output for use with one or two separate amplifiers or powered speakersamp assign function lets you reassign the height channels for bi-amping, or for use in Zone 2 or 3TV Audio sharing lets you play surround sound in your main room and downmixed stereo in additional zonessupports both analog and digital audio connectionsHDMI dual-zone switching for watching video content from different sources in two zones simultaneouslyZone 2 compatible audio sources: HDMI audio, optical/coaxial digital inputs, analog audio inputs, AM/FM tuner, USB, Bluetooth, and HEOS music appscannot select different USB/Bluetooth/network sources for each zoneHDMI features:HDMI 2.1 audio/video switching: 7 in, 3 outall inputs and 2 outputs support 8K/60Hz and 4K/120Hz videoall inputs and outputs support 4K/60Hz videoHDCP 2.3 technology ensures compatibility with Ultra HD sources and TVsHDR-compatible for extended picture contrast and brightness with compatible TVs and HDR-encoded contentsupports HDR10, HDR10+, Dolby Vision®, HLG, and Dynamic HDRupscales 1080p video signals to Ultra HD (up to 8K)gaming-optimized video processing technologies for a smooth, lag-free gaming experienceVariable Refresh Rate (VRR), Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), and Quick Frame Transport (QFT) reduce or eliminate lag and frame tearingsupports ARC (Audio Return Channel) and eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel)eARC receives uncompressed surround sound signals including Dolby Atmos and DTS:X via the HDMI connection with your compatible TVOther connections:2 composite video inputs1 component video inputdigital audio inputs: 2 Toslink optical, 2 coaxial6 analog stereo audio line-level inputs2 analog stereo audio outputs (variable) for Zones 2 and 3MM (moving magnet) phono input for connecting a turntable13.4-channel preamp outputsfour discrete line-level subwoofer outputs for more precise multi-subwoofer setupsfront-panel USB port for audio playback from USB flash drivesEthernet port for network connectionoutputs for 13 speakers (Front L/R, Center, Surround L/R, Surround Back L/R, Height1 L/R, Height2 L/R, Height3 Front Wide L/R)receiver can power a maximum of 11 channels at onceRS-232C and IR (infrared) remote connections for use with optional third-party controllersthree 12-volt trigger outputsfull-sized headphone jackremovable power cordDimensions and other info:free Marantz AVR Remote app lets you use your Apple® or Android™ device as a Wi-Fi remoteMarantz Setup Assistant guides you through the initial connection process and settingsAM/FM tunerremote control17-7/16"W x 7-1/2"H x 18"D (10-1/4"H with Wi-Fi antennas raised)weight: 42.8 lbs.

4.689 €
36 Δόσεις 161,88€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Εξαιρετικός, εξατομικευμένος ήχος Προσεκτικά κατασκευασμένα και αριστοτεχνικά ρυθμισμένα, τα Sonos Ace ξεπερνούν κάθε προσδοκία με μια σειρά από τα καλύτερα χαρακτηριστικά της Sonos να ενσωματώνονται στα νέα ακουστικά.Αφεθείτε στον ήχο υψηλής ακρίβειαςΑπολαύστε την κορυφαία εμπειρία ακρόασης με τα Sonos Ace, τα οποία προσφέρουν συνδεσιμότητα τόσο ενσύρματη μέσω USB-C όσο και ασύρματη μέσω Bluetooth 5.4, υποστηρίζοντας την κορυφαίας ποιότητας μετάδοση ήχου aptX Lossless.Ο δικός σας ιδιωτικός κινηματογράφοςΤα Sonos Ace σάς επιτρέπουν να απολαμβάνετε μια εμπειρία home cinema με ήχο surround δίνοντας παράλληλα στο σπίτι σας το δώρο της απόλυτης ησυχίας. Μεταφέρετε άμεσα τον ήχο της τηλεόρασης από μια συμβατή Sonos soundbar στα Sonos Ace με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού. Ο χωρικός ήχος (spatial audio) με Dolby Atmos εξασφαλίζει εντυπωσιακά λεπτομερή ήχο από όλες τις κατευθύνσεις και το δυναμικό head tracking σας κρατά στο επίκεντρο της δράσης ακόμα κι αν χρειαστεί να πιάσετε μια κουβέρτα ή το μπολ με τα ποπ κορν. Η ολοκαίνουργια τεχνολογία True Cinema της Sonos, η οποία χαρτογραφεί με ακρίβεια τον χώρο σας και στη συνέχεια αποδίδει ένα πλήρες σύστημα surround ήχου για μια εμπειρία ακρόασης τόσο ρεαλιστική που θα ξεχάσετε ότι φοράτε ακουστικά, αναμένεται να ενεργοποιηθεί εντός του έτους.Ενεργοποιήστε ή απενεργοποιήστε τον κόσμοΚάντε την προσωπική ακρόαση ακόμα πιο προσωπική με την λειτουργία Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), ή ενεργοποιήστε τη λειτουργία Aware όταν θέλετε περισσότερη επαφή με το περιβάλλον γύρω σας - είτε περπατάτε σε πολυσύχναστο δρόμο είτε εργάζεστε στο γραφείο.Μεγάλης Διάρκειας μπαταρία και ultra-fast φόρτισηΑκούστε ή μιλήστε έως και 30 ώρες με εκτεταμένη, ενεργειακά αποδοτική διάρκεια ζωής της μπαταρίας. Η εξαιρετικά γρήγορη φόρτιση διασφαλίζει ότι δεν θα χάσετε ποτέ τίποτα - εξασφαλίστε 3 ώρες μπαταρία με μια γρήγορη φόρτιση 3 λεπτών χρησιμοποιώντας το καλώδιο USB-C που περιλαμβάνεται.Κομψή σχεδίαση και άνεση που διαρκείΤα Sonos Ace σχεδιάστηκαν για να «δείχνουν» τόσο καλά όσο ο ήχος που προσφέρουν. Το διακριτικό, λεπτό προφίλ τους συνδυάζει τις όμορφες μεταλλικές πινελιές με ένα κομψό ματ φινίρισμα, συμπληρώνοντας κάθε στυλ, ανεξάρτητα από το πόσο γρήγορα κινούνται οι τάσεις.Ατελείωτη άνεσηΤα Sonos Ace χρησιμοποιούν ελαφριά, premium υλικά για μια ανάλαφρη εφαρμογή αγκαλιάζοντας απαλά το κεφάλι σας. Το μαλακό εσωτερικό τους με memory foam είναι τυλιγμένο με vegan δέρμα και το προσαρμοζόμενο headband που κρύβεται μέσα στα ear cups δημιουργούν το τέλειο ακουστικό περίβλημα.Διαισθητικός σχεδιασμόςΤο να φοράτε και να αποθηκεύετε τα Sonos Ace είναι παιχνιδάκι -τα χρώματα στο εσωτερικό των ακουστικών διαφέρουν, ώστε να σηματοδοτούν διακριτικά τον τρόπο τοποθέτησης τους και τα κομψά κουμπιά αφής κάνουν τον χειρισμό απλό και εύχρηστο ενώ τα φοράτε. Όταν τελειώσετε με την ακρόαση, αποθηκεύστε εύκολα τα Sonos Ace στην ελαφριά flat θήκη μεταφοράς χάρη στην αναδιπλούμενη επίπεδη σχεδίαση τους.Υπεύθυνη κατασκευήΤα Sonos Ace είναι κατασκευασμένα για καθημερινή χρήση. Τα ακουστικά διαθέτουν μαξιλάρια αυτιών που αντικαθίστανται, ανακυκλωμένα υλικά που επιτρέπουν την χρήση 17% λιγότερου πλαστικού και μία 75% ανακυκλωμένη θήκη μεταφοράς από τσόχα, κατασκευασμένη από πλαστικά μπουκάλια. Σχεδιασμένα με χαμηλό ενεργειακό αποτύπωμα, η μουσική διακόπτεται αυτόματα όταν βγάλετε τα Sonos Ace από το κεφάλι σας μειώνοντας την ανάγκη φόρτισης.Άνεση για όλουςΤα ακουστικά Sonos Ace υποβλήθηκαν σε εκτεταμένες δοκιμές για να εξασφαλίσουν άνετη χρήση για πολλές ώρες. Εύκολη προσαρμογή ακόμα και με αξεσουάρ όπως γυαλιά και σκουλαρίκια.Διαισθητικός έλεγχοςΜετακινήστε το πλήκτρο περιεχομένου πάνω και κάτω για να ρυθμίσετε την ένταση. Πατήστε για να διαχειριστείτε την αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων και τις κλήσεις.Ενισχυμένοι τονισμοίΤο ειδικά σχεδιασμένο πλέγμα πάνω από τα μικρόφωνα μειώνει τον θόρυβο από τον άνεμο στις τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις.Διακριτικό σε κάθε τρόποΈνα χρώμα σε αντίθεση διαφοροποιεί το δεξί ακουστικό, ώστε να ξέρετε αμέσως πώς να φορέσετε τα ακουστικά.Κρυστάλλινες κλήσειςΤα μικρόφωνα διαμόρφωσης δέσμης εστιάζουν στη φωνή σας και καταστέλλουν τον θόρυβο του περιβάλλοντος στις τηλεφωνικές συνομιλίες και βιντεοκλήσεις.Απολαύστε μια πρωτοποριακή εμπειρία Dolby Atmos με δυναμική παρακολούθηση κίνησης. Νιώστε περιτριγυρισμένοι από υπερρεαλιστικό ήχο από κάθε κατεύθυνση και ανακαλύψτε διαφορετικά στοιχεία της μουσικής καθώς κινείστε.

449 €
36 Δόσεις 15,50€ / μήνα
Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο
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Εξαιρετικός, εξατομικευμένος ήχος Προσεκτικά κατασκευασμένα και αριστοτεχνικά ρυθμισμένα, τα Sonos Ace ξεπερνούν κάθε προσδοκία με μια σειρά από τα καλύτερα χαρακτηριστικά της Sonos να ενσωματώνονται στα νέα ακουστικά.Αφεθείτε στον ήχο υψηλής ακρίβειαςΑπολαύστε την κορυφαία εμπειρία ακρόασης με τα Sonos Ace, τα οποία προσφέρουν συνδεσιμότητα τόσο ενσύρματη μέσω USB-C όσο και ασύρματη μέσω Bluetooth 5.4, υποστηρίζοντας την κορυφαίας ποιότητας μετάδοση ήχου aptX Lossless.Ο δικός σας ιδιωτικός κινηματογράφοςΤα Sonos Ace σάς επιτρέπουν να απολαμβάνετε μια εμπειρία home cinema με ήχο surround δίνοντας παράλληλα στο σπίτι σας το δώρο της απόλυτης ησυχίας. Μεταφέρετε άμεσα τον ήχο της τηλεόρασης από μια συμβατή Sonos soundbar στα Sonos Ace με το πάτημα ενός κουμπιού. Ο χωρικός ήχος (spatial audio) με Dolby Atmos εξασφαλίζει εντυπωσιακά λεπτομερή ήχο από όλες τις κατευθύνσεις και το δυναμικό head tracking σας κρατά στο επίκεντρο της δράσης ακόμα κι αν χρειαστεί να πιάσετε μια κουβέρτα ή το μπολ με τα ποπ κορν. Η ολοκαίνουργια τεχνολογία True Cinema της Sonos, η οποία χαρτογραφεί με ακρίβεια τον χώρο σας και στη συνέχεια αποδίδει ένα πλήρες σύστημα surround ήχου για μια εμπειρία ακρόασης τόσο ρεαλιστική που θα ξεχάσετε ότι φοράτε ακουστικά, αναμένεται να ενεργοποιηθεί εντός του έτους.Ενεργοποιήστε ή απενεργοποιήστε τον κόσμοΚάντε την προσωπική ακρόαση ακόμα πιο προσωπική με την λειτουργία Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), ή ενεργοποιήστε τη λειτουργία Aware όταν θέλετε περισσότερη επαφή με το περιβάλλον γύρω σας - είτε περπατάτε σε πολυσύχναστο δρόμο είτε εργάζεστε στο γραφείο.Μεγάλης Διάρκειας μπαταρία και ultra-fast φόρτισηΑκούστε ή μιλήστε έως και 30 ώρες με εκτεταμένη, ενεργειακά αποδοτική διάρκεια ζωής της μπαταρίας. Η εξαιρετικά γρήγορη φόρτιση διασφαλίζει ότι δεν θα χάσετε ποτέ τίποτα - εξασφαλίστε 3 ώρες μπαταρία με μια γρήγορη φόρτιση 3 λεπτών χρησιμοποιώντας το καλώδιο USB-C που περιλαμβάνεται.Κομψή σχεδίαση και άνεση που διαρκείΤα Sonos Ace σχεδιάστηκαν για να «δείχνουν» τόσο καλά όσο ο ήχος που προσφέρουν. Το διακριτικό, λεπτό προφίλ τους συνδυάζει τις όμορφες μεταλλικές πινελιές με ένα κομψό ματ φινίρισμα, συμπληρώνοντας κάθε στυλ, ανεξάρτητα από το πόσο γρήγορα κινούνται οι τάσεις.Ατελείωτη άνεσηΤα Sonos Ace χρησιμοποιούν ελαφριά, premium υλικά για μια ανάλαφρη εφαρμογή αγκαλιάζοντας απαλά το κεφάλι σας. Το μαλακό εσωτερικό τους με memory foam είναι τυλιγμένο με vegan δέρμα και το προσαρμοζόμενο headband που κρύβεται μέσα στα ear cups δημιουργούν το τέλειο ακουστικό περίβλημα.Διαισθητικός σχεδιασμόςΤο να φοράτε και να αποθηκεύετε τα Sonos Ace είναι παιχνιδάκι -τα χρώματα στο εσωτερικό των ακουστικών διαφέρουν, ώστε να σηματοδοτούν διακριτικά τον τρόπο τοποθέτησης τους και τα κομψά κουμπιά αφής κάνουν τον χειρισμό απλό και εύχρηστο ενώ τα φοράτε. Όταν τελειώσετε με την ακρόαση, αποθηκεύστε εύκολα τα Sonos Ace στην ελαφριά flat θήκη μεταφοράς χάρη στην αναδιπλούμενη επίπεδη σχεδίαση τους.Υπεύθυνη κατασκευήΤα Sonos Ace είναι κατασκευασμένα για καθημερινή χρήση. Τα ακουστικά διαθέτουν μαξιλάρια αυτιών που αντικαθίστανται, ανακυκλωμένα υλικά που επιτρέπουν την χρήση 17% λιγότερου πλαστικού και μία 75% ανακυκλωμένη θήκη μεταφοράς από τσόχα, κατασκευασμένη από πλαστικά μπουκάλια. Σχεδιασμένα με χαμηλό ενεργειακό αποτύπωμα, η μουσική διακόπτεται αυτόματα όταν βγάλετε τα Sonos Ace από το κεφάλι σας μειώνοντας την ανάγκη φόρτισης.Άνεση για όλουςΤα ακουστικά Sonos Ace υποβλήθηκαν σε εκτεταμένες δοκιμές για να εξασφαλίσουν άνετη χρήση για πολλές ώρες. Εύκολη προσαρμογή ακόμα και με αξεσουάρ όπως γυαλιά και σκουλαρίκια.Διαισθητικός έλεγχοςΜετακινήστε το πλήκτρο περιεχομένου πάνω και κάτω για να ρυθμίσετε την ένταση. Πατήστε για να διαχειριστείτε την αναπαραγωγή πολυμέσων και τις κλήσεις.Ενισχυμένοι τονισμοίΤο ειδικά σχεδιασμένο πλέγμα πάνω από τα μικρόφωνα μειώνει τον θόρυβο από τον άνεμο στις τηλεφωνικές κλήσεις.Διακριτικό σε κάθε τρόποΈνα χρώμα σε αντίθεση διαφοροποιεί το δεξί ακουστικό, ώστε να ξέρετε αμέσως πώς να φορέσετε τα ακουστικά.Κρυστάλλινες κλήσειςΤα μικρόφωνα διαμόρφωσης δέσμης εστιάζουν στη φωνή σας και καταστέλλουν τον θόρυβο του περιβάλλοντος στις τηλεφωνικές συνομιλίες και βιντεοκλήσεις.Απολαύστε μια πρωτοποριακή εμπειρία Dolby Atmos με δυναμική παρακολούθηση κίνησης. Νιώστε περιτριγυρισμένοι από υπερρεαλιστικό ήχο από κάθε κατεύθυνση και ανακαλύψτε διαφορετικά στοιχεία της μουσικής καθώς κινείστε.

449 €
36 Δόσεις 15,50€ / μήνα
Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο
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Concorde Music Black LVB 250Experience unrivaled accuracy and fidelity with the Concorde Music Black LVB 250. The Concorde Music Black LVB 250 features a Nude Shibata stylus on a Boron cantilever making it the most premium Ortofon Moving Magnet cartridge on the market. The Concorde Music seriesDeveloped by music lovers, for music lovers, the Concorde Music HiFi cartridges blend premium performance with an iconic design. Concorde Music, not just a cartridge, but a dedication to the profound impact music has on our lives, turning every listening session into a captivating journey.Installing a Concorde Music cartridge on a turntable is easy and straightforward, no tools required making it hassle free and convenient.Iconic designBuilding upon a rich legacy which began when we launched the original Concorde, the Concorde Music holds a storied history as one of the most famous cartridges in the world of audio.Originally developed as a solution to the challenge of easy mounting on a tonearm without screws or wires, the Concorde's unique design earned the Danish Industrial Design Award and became an icon inthe audio industry.StylusThe Concorde Music Black LVB 250, featuring a Nude Shibata stylus on an Boron cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Bronze.The shape of the Shibata distinguish itself by having a narrow and long contact surface. The Shibata is very close to the original cutting stylus which ensures the most accurate reproduction, low distortion and exteded frequency range. The use of an extremely stiff and lightweight Boron cantilever adds remarkable transparency, speed, and responsiveness.Rubber suspensionA crucially important and vital part of a phono cartridge overall performance is the stylus rubber suspension.Exclusive Ortofon rubber compounds are used for the stylus suspensions in the Concorde Music Blue, carefully produced at the inhouse rubber production, and developed by the research and engineering team at Ortofon for brilliant performance.Coil systemThe Concorde Music features Ortofon's quad-coil generating system with four split pole pins. Silver-plated oxygen-free copper is chosen for the quad-coil system, along with four Ortofon split pole pins.This results in exceptional channel balance and separation, delivering precise and dynamic sound. With a 6 mV output, it offers lifelike sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity, capturing every detail.

999 €
36 Δόσεις 34,49€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Concorde Music BlackExperience transparent and articulate sound quality with the Concorde Music Black. The Concorde Music Black features a Nude Shibata stylus on Aluminium cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Bronze and can be upgraded with the Stylus Concorde Music Black LVB 250.The Concorde Music seriesDeveloped by music lovers, for music lovers, the Concorde Music HiFi cartridges blend premium performance with an iconic design. Concorde Music, not just a cartridge, but a dedication to the profound impact music has on our lives, turning every listening session into a captivating journey.Installing a Concorde Music cartridge on a turntable is easy and straightforward, no tools required making it hassle free and convenient.Iconic designBuilding upon a rich legacy which began when we launched the original Concorde, the Concorde Music holds a storied history as one of the most famous cartridges in the world of audio.Originally developed as a solution to the challenge of easy mounting on a tonearm without screws or wires, the Concorde's unique design earned the Danish Industrial Design Award and became an icon inthe audio industry.StylusThe Concorde Music Black, featuring a Nude Shibata stylus on an Aluminum cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Bronze.The shape of the Shibata distinguish itself by having a narrow and long contact surface. The Shibata is very close to the original cutting stylus which ensures the most accurate reproduction, low distortion and exteded frequency range.Rubber suspensionA crucially important and vital part of a phono cartridge overall performance is the stylus rubber suspension.Exclusive Ortofon rubber compounds are used for the stylus suspensions in the Concorde Music Blue, carefully produced at the inhouse rubber production, and developed by the research and engineering team at Ortofon for brilliant performance.Coil systemThe Concorde Music features Ortofon's quad-coil generating system with four split pole pins. Silver-plated oxygen-free copper is chosen for the quad-coil system, along with four Ortofon split pole pins.This results in exceptional channel balance and separation, delivering precise and dynamic sound. With a 6 mV output, it offers lifelike sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity, capturing every detail.

599 €
36 Δόσεις 20,68€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Concorde Music BronzeThe Concorde Music Bronze features a Nude Fine Line stylus on Aluminium cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Blue. Enjoy seamless upgrades throughout the series, from your Concorde Music Bronze to the Concorde Music Black LVB 250, simply by replacing the stylus. Experience insightful, high-resolution sound reproduction! The Concorde Music seriesDeveloped by music lovers, for music lovers, the Concorde Music HiFi cartridges blend premium performance with an iconic design. Concorde Music, not just a cartridge, but a dedication to the profound impact music has on our lives, turning every listening session into a captivating journey.Installing a Concorde Music cartridge on a turntable is easy and straightforward, no tools required making it hassle free and convenient.Iconic designBuilding upon a rich legacy which began when we launched the original Concorde, the Concorde Music holds a storied history as one of the most famous cartridges in the world of audio.Originally developed as a solution to the challenge of easy mounting on a tonearm without screws or wires, the Concorde's unique design earned the Danish Industrial Design Award and became an icon inthe audio industry.StylusThe Concorde Music Bronze, featuring a Nude Fine Line stylus on an Aluminum cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Blue.The shape of the Nude Fine Line diamond provides more faithful tracking of the groove. Unlike the Elliptical shape, the Fine Line has a narrower profile, yet its prolonged shape ensures sufficient contact with a wide area of the groove. Experience your music with a whole new dimension of precision.Rubber suspensionA crucially important and vital part of a phono cartridge overall performance is the stylus rubber suspension.Exclusive Ortofon rubber compounds are used for the stylus suspensions in the Concorde Music Blue, carefully produced at the inhouse rubber production, and developed by the research and engineering team at Ortofon for brilliant performance.Coil systemThe Concorde Music features Ortofon's quad-coil generating system with four split pole pins. Silver-plated oxygen-free copper is chosen for the quad-coil system, along with four Ortofon split pole pins.This results in exceptional channel balance and separation, delivering precise and dynamic sound. With a 6 mV output, it offers lifelike sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity, capturing every detail.

399 €
36 Δόσεις 13,78€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Concorde Music BlueExperience unveiled and clear sound reproduction with the Concorde Music Blue, featuring a Nude Elliptical stylus on an Aluminum cantilever, and offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Red. Enjoy seamless upgrades throughout the series, from the Concorde Music Blue to the Concorde Music Black LVB 250, simply by replacing the stylus.The Concorde Music seriesDeveloped by music lovers, for music lovers, the Concorde Music HiFi cartridges blend premium performance with an iconic design. Concorde Music represents a dedication to the profound impact music has on our lives, turning every listening session into a captivating journey.Installing a Concorde Music cartridge on a turntable is easy and straightforward, requiring no tools, making it hassle-free and convenient.Iconic designBuilding upon a rich legacy which began when we launched the original Concorde, the Concorde Music holds a storied history as one of the most famous cartridges in the world of audio.Originally developed as a solution to the challenge of easy mounting on a tonearm without screws or wires, the Concorde's unique design earned the Danish Industrial Design Award and became an icon inthe audio industry.StylusThe Concorde Music Blue, featuring a Nude Elliptical stylus on an Aluminum cantilever, offers an upgrade from the Concorde Music Red. Nude diamonds, weighing less than their tipped counterparts, enhance responsiveness, detail, and reduce distortion.Enjoy seamless upgrades throughout the series, from the Concorde Music Blue to the Concorde Music Black LVB 250, simply by replacing the stylus.Rubber suspensionA crucially important and vital part of a phono cartridge overall performance is the stylus rubber suspension. Exclusive Ortofon rubber compounds are used for the stylus suspensions in the Concorde Music Blue, carefully produced at the inhouse rubber production, and developed by the research and engineering team at Ortofon for brilliant performance.Coil systemThe Concorde Music features Ortofon's quad-coil generating system with four split pole pins. Silver-plated oxygen-free copper is chosen for the quad-coil system, along with four Ortofon split pole pins.This results in exceptional channel balance and separation, delivering precise and dynamic sound. With a 6 mV output, it offers lifelike sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity, capturing every detail.

249 €
36 Δόσεις 8,60€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Concorde Music RedExperience balanced and dynamic sound quality with the Concorde Music Red. The Concorde Music Red features an Elliptical stylus on an Aluminium cantilever and can be upgraded through the entire series to Concorde Music Black LVB 250, simply by replacing the stylus.The Concorde Music seriesDeveloped by music lovers, for music lovers, the Concorde Music HiFi cartridges blend premium performance with an iconic design. Concorde Music, not just a cartridge, but a dedication to the profound impact music has on our lives, turning every listening session into a captivating journey.Installing a Concorde Music cartridge on a turntable is easy and straightforward, no tools required making it hassle free and convenient.Iconic designBuilding upon a rich legacy which began when we launched the original Concorde, the Concorde Music holds a storied history as one of the most famous cartridges in the world of audio.Originally developed as a solution to the challenge of easy mounting on a tonearm without screws or wires, the Concorde's unique design earned the Danish Industrial Design Award and became an icon inthe audio industry.StylusThe Concorde Music Red features an Elliptical diamond polished to the highest standards of the industry, mounted on a premium aluminum cantilever. This ensures the best possible transmission of the vinyl record groove modulations picked up by the diamond.Rubber suspensionThe Concorde Music Red utilizes an exclusive Ortofon rubber compound for its stylus suspension. Developed and produced in our unique in-house rubber production, this suspension is a crucial and vital component contributing to the overall performance of the phono cartridge.Coil systemThe Concorde Music features Ortofon's quad-coil generating system with split pole pins. Silver-plated oxygen-free copper is chosen for the quad-coil system, along with four Ortofon split pole pins.This results in exceptional channel balance and separation, delivering precise and dynamic sound. With a 6 mV output, it offers lifelike sound with exceptional clarity and fidelity, capturing every detail.

149 €
36 Δόσεις 5,14€ / μήνα
Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

2MR 78Journey back in time with the 2MR 78 Mono Cartridge, specially designed for playing 78 rpm shellac records. Immerse yourself in the authentic nostalgia of mono vinyl records, brought to life with unparalleled precision and fidelity.The 2MR 78 features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega, matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges. With its narrow cartridge housing, it seamlessly integrates without a need for modifications or spacers under the tonearm, enabling quick and easy mounting with just two screws.StylusThe 2MR 78 features a stylus' tip with a Spherical diamond, perfect for playback of 78 rpm shellac records. These unique records necessitate a larger stylus profile, and the 2MR 78 flawlessly accommodates this requirement, ensuring optimal playback quality and preserving the authenticity of your cherished collection.OutputThe 2MR 78 features a high-performance motor system incorporating unique to Ortofon quad coils with split pole pins and uses a strapped output to deliver the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.

149 €
36 Δόσεις 5,14€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

2MR MonoStep into an Era of Authenticity with the 2MR Mono Cartridge, thoughtfully crafted with a stylus' tip that features an R 18µm Nude Spherical diamond to perfectly suit the intricacies of playing mono microgroove LP vinyl records. Immerse yourself in the authentic nostalgia of mono vinyl records brought to life with the 2M Mono.Ortofon 2MR Mono features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega, matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges.With its narrow cartridge housing, it seamlessly integrates without a need for modifications or spacers under the tonearm, enabling quick and easy mounting with just two screws.StylusEmbark on an Elevated Mono Experience with the 2M Mono Cartridge. Designed to bring out the best in your mono microgroove LP vinyl records, it features a stylus tipped with an R 18µm Nude Spherical diamond. This engineered feature is an optimal solution for playing mono microgroove LP vinyl records and is ideal for achieving exceptional playback quality and capturing the essence of vintage mono soundscapes.OutputThe 2MR Mono features a high-performance motor system with quad coils and Ortofon’s very own invention: the split pole pins. The 2MR Mono uses a strapped output to deliver the same output signal from both sets of pole pins. This effectively eliminates the need for mono-specific equipment, making it possible to enjoy true mono reproduction on any stereo playback system.CompatibilityThe 2MR Mono 2MR features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges. With its narrow cartridge housing, it seamlessly integrates without a need for modifications or spacers under the tonearm, enabling quick and easy mounting with just two screws.A tribute to the BeatlesLeif Johannsen, Ortofon Chief Officer of Acoustics and Research, reveals the story behind the MONO cartridges featuring the 2M Mono SE, which was specifically created as a tribute to the Mono Beatles album Set released in 2014.The Beatles have an important place in many music lovers’ hearts, and Ortofon is honoured to ensure high quality, modern replay from the new Mono Box Set.

399 €
36 Δόσεις 13,78€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

2MR Black LVB 250The 2MR Black LVB 250 upgrades the great build of the 2M Black with a boron cantilever and our very own Nano Tube suspension system. The result is a sound so precise and so detailed that you feel like you have let the artist into your house and have them playing right in your living room.The Ortofon 2MR features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega, matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges.Accuracy levelThe 2M Black is an amazing cartridge and, by many, considered the ultimate in moving magnet. So, why would we attempt to create something even better? Because perfection runs in our blood. The 2MR Black LVB 250 upgrades the great build of the 2M Black, and the result is a sound so precise and so detailed that you feel like you have let the artist into your house and have them playing right in your living room.StylusThe 2M Black LVB 250 upgrades the great build of the 2M Black with a Nude Shibata diamond on a boron cantilever. The use of an extremely stiff and lightweight Boron cantilever adds remarkable transparency, speed, and responsiveness.The Nude Shibata stylus’ slim, highly polished profile allows an exceedingly wide contact area to the groove walls and ensures notably detailed reproduction throughout the spectrum, including even the highest frequencies.Rubber suspensionThe 2M Black LVB 250 features our very own Nano Tube suspension system. The new rubber compound formula is based on the Multi Wall Carbon Nano Tubes' (MWCNT) highly efficient nano filler. The new MWCNT-based compound offers desirable mechanical properties, which ensure better damping and improve the overall performance of the cartridge.In this video, Leif Johannsen explores the power of materials used in the different parts of a cartridge and demonstrates the differences in the damping properties of the rubber.CompatibilityThe Ortofon 2MR Black LVB 250 features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega, matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges.With its narrow cartridge housing, it seamlessly integrates without a need for modifications or spacers under the tonearm, enabling quick and easy mounting with just two screws.

999 €
36 Δόσεις 34,49€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

2MR BlackThe Ortofon 2MR series is designed with a newly developed cartridge housing for optimized fitting on low-profile turntables. With its ultra-slim 3mm height reduction, seamless integration is guaranteed. The cartridge's slimline body eliminates the need for spacers or modifications, ensuring quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Experience unmatched compatibility with all 2M styli and revel in the high-performance motor system featuring quad coils and split pole pins, exclusive to genuine Ortofon cartridges.Accuracy levelThe 2M Black is the flagship of the series and it lives up to this with flying colors. You can hear every little detail in the music from every part of the spectrum. Just the way the artist wanted you to. With the 2M Black, you will not only hear the music, but you will sense the presence of the artist in the room while listening to your favorite records.StylusThe 2M Black is graced with a Shibata diamond that gives it contact with the groove like nothing else. The slim, highly polished profile allows an exceedingly wide contact area to the groove walls and ensures notably detailed reproduction throughout the spectrum, including even the most high frequency groove information.Tailor your listening experienceAdditionally, the 2MR maintains the hallmark of interchangeability, allowing you to explore your records in greater depth and detail. Begin your musical journey with the 2M Red stylus, taking your first step into the world of captivating sound. As you delve deeper into your vinyl collection and upgrade to the series, you'll feel the music come alive, experiencing the pinnacle of audio perfection with the 2M Black LVB stylus, where the sound is so precise and detailed that it feels like you've invited the artist into your home.This seamless transition between stylus profiles lets you tailor your listening experience, ensuring every note is heard with unparalleled accuracy and emotion. The 2MR series empowers you to explore your records like never before, allowing you to savor every moment of your favorite music.FeaturesThe 2M Black features a high-performance motor system with quad coils and Ortofon’s very own invention: split pole pins upgraded with a silver-plated copper wire that makes you feel the presence of the artist in the room when you play your records.

599 €
36 Δόσεις 20,68€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon 2MR series is designed with a newly developed cartridge housing for optimized fitting on low-profile turntables. With its ultra-slim 3mm height reduction, seamless integration is guaranteed. The cartridge's slimline body eliminates the need for spacers or modifications, ensuring quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Experience unmatched compatibility with all 2M styli and revel in the high-performance motor system featuring quad coils and split pole pins, exclusive to genuine Ortofon cartridges.Accuracy levelTo us, hi-fi is more than a fancy label. High fidelity is the goal of everything we do. The 2MR Bronze is designed to give the music a whole new dimension of precision. Listening to your records with the 2MR Bronze is like hearing them for the first time and you get to fall in love with the songs all over again. That is what hi-fi means to us, and that is what you get with the 2MR Bronze.Designed for optimized fitting on low-profile turntablesThe Ortofon 2MR series boasts a newly developed cartridge housing tailored for low-profile turntables. Its ultra-slim 3 mm height reduction ensures seamless integration without the need for spacers or modifications, allowing for quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Tailor your listening experienceAdditionally, the 2MR maintains the hallmark of interchangeability, allowing you to explore your records in greater depth and detail. Begin your musical journey with the 2M Red stylus, taking your first step into the world of captivating sound. As you delve deeper into your vinyl collection and upgrade to the series, you'll feel the music come alive, experiencing the pinnacle of audio perfection with the 2M Black LVB stylus, where the sound is so precise and detailed that it feels like you've invited the artist into your home.This seamless transition between stylus profiles lets you tailor your listening experience, ensuring every note is heard with unparalleled accuracy and emotion. The 2MR series empowers you to explore your records like never before, allowing you to savor every moment of your favorite music.FeaturesThe 2MR Bronze features a Nude Fine Line diamond cut and a high-performance motor system with quad coils, along with Ortofon’s very own invention: split pole pins upgraded with a Silver-plated OFC wire that gives the music a whole new dimension of precision.

399 €
36 Δόσεις 13,78€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon 2MR series is designed with a newly developed cartridge housing for optimized fitting on low-profile turntables. With its ultra-slim 3mm height reduction, seamless integration is guaranteed. The cartridge's slimline body eliminates the need for spacers or modifications, ensuring quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Experience unmatched compatibility with all 2M styli and revel in the high-performance motor system featuring quad coils and split pole pins, exclusive to genuine Ortofon cartridges.Accuracy levelThe goal for any cartridge should be to reproduce the sound as close to the artists vision as possible, and the 2M blue takes you further on this journey of authenticity. With the 2M Blue, you get serious about listening to vinyl.CompatibilityThe Ortofon 2MR series boasts a newly developed cartridge housing tailored for low-profile turntables. Its ultra-slim 3mm height reduction ensures seamless integration without the need for spacers or modifications, allowing for quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Tailor your listening experienceAdditionally, the 2MR maintains the hallmark of interchangeability, allowing you to explore your records in greater depth and detail. Begin your musical journey with the 2M Red stylus, taking your first step into the world of captivating sound. As you delve deeper into your vinyl collection and upgrade to the series, you'll feel the music come alive, experiencing the pinnacle of audio perfection with the 2M Black LVB stylus, where the sound is so precise and detailed that it feels like you've invited the artist into your home.This seamless transition between stylus profiles lets you tailor your listening experience, ensuring every note is heard with unparalleled accuracy and emotion. The 2MR series empowers you to explore your records like never before, allowing you to savor every moment of your favorite music.FeaturesThe 2M Blue features a high-performance motor system with quad coils and Ortofon’s very own invention: split pole pins with a copper wire. This innovation provides a sound reproduction so precise that only your heart dares to skip a beat. The engine offers an increased output of 5.5 mV, optimized sound reproduction, and a high level of sonic accuracy.Compared to the 2M Red model, the 2M Blue adds more dynamics and resolution, sounds more open, and reproduces more details, taking you one step further on the journey toward authenticity.

199 €
36 Δόσεις 6,87€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

The Ortofon 2MR series is designed with a newly developed cartridge housing for optimized fitting on low-profile turntables. With its ultra-slim 3mm height reduction, seamless integration is guaranteed. The cartridge's slimline body eliminates the need for spacers or modifications, ensuring quick, easy mounting with just two screws.Experience unmatched compatibility with all 2M styli and revel in the high-performance motor system featuring quad coils and split pole pins, exclusive to genuine Ortofon cartridges.Accuracy levelWith the 2MR Red you will hear the music come to life on its own terms. It is like taking a step into the music itself. This is our entry-level cartridge in the series, but what an entry. The 2MR Red delivers an open, dynamic sound with a slight touch of warmth.CompatibilityThe Ortofon 2MR Red features a specially designed cartridge housing tailored for turntables and tonearms like Rega, matching their requirement for low-form factor cartridges.With its narrow cartridge housing, it seamlessly integrates without a need for modifications or spacers under the tonearm, enabling quick and easy mounting with just two screws.Tailor your listening experienceAdditionally, the 2MR maintains the hallmark of interchangeability, allowing you to explore your records in greater depth and detail. Begin your musical journey with the 2M Red stylus, taking your first step into the world of captivating sound. As you delve deeper into your vinyl collection and upgrade to the series, you'll feel the music come alive, experiencing the pinnacle of audio perfection with the 2M Black LVB stylus, where the sound is so precise and detailed that it feels like you've invited the artist into your home.This seamless transition between stylus profiles lets you tailor your listening experience, ensuring every note is heard with unparalleled accuracy and emotion. The 2MR series empowers you to explore your records like never before, allowing you to savor every moment of your favorite music.FeaturesThe 2MR Red features a high-performance motor system with quad coils and Ortofon’s very own invention: the split pole pins with a copper wire that gives you a sound reproduction so precise only your heart dares skip a beat.The engine provides an increased output of 5.5 mV, an optimized sound reproduction, and a high level of sonic accuracy. With the 2M Red you will hear the music come to life on its own terms. It is like taking a step into the music itself. This is our entry-level cartridge in the series, but what an entry.

99 €
36 Δόσεις 3,42€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

ACCENTUM + Smart Pause,                      + Adaptive ANC                     + Sound Personalization,                     + αναλογική είσοδος καλωδίου                     + θήκη μεταφοράς.Όπου κι αν ακούτε, το Sennheiser ACCENTUM Plus σάς επιτρέπει να βυθιστείτε στον εξαιρετικό ήχο εν κινήσει χάρη στη λειτουργία γρήγορης φόρτισης που σας προσφέρει 5 ώρες αναπαραγωγής σε 10 λεπτά για τέλεια ασύρματη ελευθερία. Το ACCENTUM Plus σάς τοποθετεί σε μια εκτεταμένη ηχητική σκηνή που δίνει ζωή στη μουσική, με προηγμένες δυνατότητες εξατομίκευσης ήχου που σας επιτρέπουν να προσαρμόσετε την εμπειρία ακριβώς όπως θέλετε.Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά:Ηχητική περιπέτεια εν κινήσει – Όταν έρθει η ώρα να τα τροφοδοτήσετε, η επαναφόρτιση του ACCENTUM Plus απαιτεί τόσο χρόνο όσο και για να παραγγείλετε έναν καφέ. Απλώς συνδέστε τα για 10 λεπτά για 5 ώρες αναπαραγωγής.Ακούστε για μέρες – Ασυναγώνιστος χρόνος αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών.Immersive sound stage – Οι angled transducers δημιουργούν μια ευρύτερη σκηνή ήχου για μια πιο καθηλωτική εμπειρία ακρόασης.Ακούστε οπουδήποτε χωρίς περισπασμούς – Το Adaptive Hybrid ANC προσαρμόζεται δυναμικά στα μεταβαλλόμενα επίπεδα θορύβου για να εξασφαλίσει ακρόαση χωρίς θόρυβο σε θορυβώδη ή πολυάσχολα περιβάλλοντα.Ανακαλύψτε τον ήχο που θα λατρέψουν τα αυτιά σας – Το τεστ εξατομίκευσης ήχου που δημιουργήθηκε από τη Sennheiser και κορυφαίους ερευνητές στο Ινστιτούτο Fraunhofer δημιουργεί ένα προφίλ που ταιριάζει με την ακοή σας.Προσαρμόστε την εμπειρία ακρόασης – Προσαρμόστε τον ήχο σας με τις λειτουργίες ήχου Bass Boost και Podcast ή μέσω του ενσωματωμένου equalizer 5 ζωνών και της εφαρμογής Sennheiser Smart Control.Λειτουργία διαφάνειας – Ακούστε το περιβάλλον σας με ένα άγγιγμα χωρίς να αφαιρέσετε τα ακουστικά σας

197 €
36 Δόσεις 6,80€ / μήνα
Διαθέσιμο στην αποθήκη

ACCENTUM + Smart Pause,                      + Adaptive ANC                     + Sound Personalization,                     + αναλογική είσοδος καλωδίου                     + θήκη μεταφοράς.Όπου κι αν ακούτε, το Sennheiser ACCENTUM Plus σάς επιτρέπει να βυθιστείτε στον εξαιρετικό ήχο εν κινήσει χάρη στη λειτουργία γρήγορης φόρτισης που σας προσφέρει 5 ώρες αναπαραγωγής σε 10 λεπτά για τέλεια ασύρματη ελευθερία. Το ACCENTUM Plus σάς τοποθετεί σε μια εκτεταμένη ηχητική σκηνή που δίνει ζωή στη μουσική, με προηγμένες δυνατότητες εξατομίκευσης ήχου που σας επιτρέπουν να προσαρμόσετε την εμπειρία ακριβώς όπως θέλετε.Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά:Ηχητική περιπέτεια εν κινήσει – Όταν έρθει η ώρα να τα τροφοδοτήσετε, η επαναφόρτιση του ACCENTUM Plus απαιτεί τόσο χρόνο όσο και για να παραγγείλετε έναν καφέ. Απλώς συνδέστε τα για 10 λεπτά για 5 ώρες αναπαραγωγής.Ακούστε για μέρες – Ασυναγώνιστος χρόνος αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών.Immersive sound stage – Οι angled transducers δημιουργούν μια ευρύτερη σκηνή ήχου για μια πιο καθηλωτική εμπειρία ακρόασης.Ακούστε οπουδήποτε χωρίς περισπασμούς – Το Adaptive Hybrid ANC προσαρμόζεται δυναμικά στα μεταβαλλόμενα επίπεδα θορύβου για να εξασφαλίσει ακρόαση χωρίς θόρυβο σε θορυβώδη ή πολυάσχολα περιβάλλοντα.Ανακαλύψτε τον ήχο που θα λατρέψουν τα αυτιά σας – Το τεστ εξατομίκευσης ήχου που δημιουργήθηκε από τη Sennheiser και κορυφαίους ερευνητές στο Ινστιτούτο Fraunhofer δημιουργεί ένα προφίλ που ταιριάζει με την ακοή σας.Προσαρμόστε την εμπειρία ακρόασης – Προσαρμόστε τον ήχο σας με τις λειτουργίες ήχου Bass Boost και Podcast ή μέσω του ενσωματωμένου equalizer 5 ζωνών και της εφαρμογής Sennheiser Smart Control.Λειτουργία διαφάνειας – Ακούστε το περιβάλλον σας με ένα άγγιγμα χωρίς να αφαιρέσετε τα ακουστικά σας

197 €
36 Δόσεις 6,80€ / μήνα
Διαθέσιμο στην αποθήκη

Με το ACCENTUM, μπορείτε να ξεκλειδώσετε ηχητικές περιπέτειες όλη την ημέρα χάρη στον ασυναγώνιστο χρόνο αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών, ζωντανεύοντας τη μουσική σας με τον μοναδικό ήχο Sennheiser. Το τέλειο ακουστικό εν κινήσει, το ACCENTUM σας παρέχει υψηλής ποιότητας ασύρματο ήχο με εξαιρετικές δυνατότητες όπως το Hybrid ANC .Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά:Ασυναγώνιστος χρόνος αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών – Απολαύστε εξαιρετική διάρκεια μπαταρίας που διαρκεί έως και 50 ώρες με μία μόνο φόρτιση..Ήχος Sennheiser – Ανακαλύψτε υψηλής ποιότητας ήχο Sennheiser, χάρη στο in-house σχεδιασμένο και κατασκευασμένο εσωτερικό σύστημα transducer .Αποκλείει όλους τους περισπασμούς με το ANC - Μείνετε συγκεντρωμένοι και βυθιστείτε στη μουσική σας με τα υβριδικά ακουστικά ακύρωσης θορύβουΑκούστε εξωτερικούς ήχους με ένα άγγιγμα – Η λειτουργία Transparency Mode σάς δίνει τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθείτε το περιβάλλον σας χωρίς να αφαιρείτε τα ακουστικά σας.Ο ήχος σας, με τον δικό σας τρόπο – Προσαρμόστε το μουσικό σας ταξίδι με μια επιλογή από τις λειτουργίες ήχου, όπως η λειτουργία Bass Boost και Podcast. Προσαρμόζεται στις προτιμήσεις σας με τον ενσωματωμένο ισοσταθμιστή 5 ζωνών.Όλη την ημέρα άνεση – Κατασκευασμένα για να προσφέρουν απίστευτη άνεση, τα ακουστικά διαθέτουν ελαφρύ και εργονομικό σχεδιασμό, καθιστώντας τα ιδανικά για μεγάλα μουσικά sessions

179 €
36 Δόσεις 6,18€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Με το ACCENTUM, μπορείτε να ξεκλειδώσετε ηχητικές περιπέτειες όλη την ημέρα χάρη στον ασυναγώνιστο χρόνο αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών, ζωντανεύοντας τη μουσική σας με τον μοναδικό ήχο Sennheiser. Το τέλειο ακουστικό εν κινήσει, το ACCENTUM σας παρέχει υψηλής ποιότητας ασύρματο ήχο με εξαιρετικές δυνατότητες όπως το Hybrid ANC .Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά:Ασυναγώνιστος χρόνος αναπαραγωγής μπαταρίας 50 ωρών – Απολαύστε εξαιρετική διάρκεια μπαταρίας που διαρκεί έως και 50 ώρες με μία μόνο φόρτιση..Ήχος Sennheiser – Ανακαλύψτε υψηλής ποιότητας ήχο Sennheiser, χάρη στο in-house σχεδιασμένο και κατασκευασμένο εσωτερικό σύστημα transducer .Αποκλείει όλους τους περισπασμούς με το ANC - Μείνετε συγκεντρωμένοι και βυθιστείτε στη μουσική σας με τα υβριδικά ακουστικά ακύρωσης θορύβουΑκούστε εξωτερικούς ήχους με ένα άγγιγμα – Η λειτουργία Transparency Mode σάς δίνει τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθείτε το περιβάλλον σας χωρίς να αφαιρείτε τα ακουστικά σας.Ο ήχος σας, με τον δικό σας τρόπο – Προσαρμόστε το μουσικό σας ταξίδι με μια επιλογή από τις λειτουργίες ήχου, όπως η λειτουργία Bass Boost και Podcast. Προσαρμόζεται στις προτιμήσεις σας με τον ενσωματωμένο ισοσταθμιστή 5 ζωνών.Όλη την ημέρα άνεση – Κατασκευασμένα για να προσφέρουν απίστευτη άνεση, τα ακουστικά διαθέτουν ελαφρύ και εργονομικό σχεδιασμό, καθιστώντας τα ιδανικά για μεγάλα μουσικά sessions

179 €
36 Δόσεις 6,18€ / μήνα
Άμεσα Διαθέσιμο

Παίξτε με τους δικούς σας κανόνες.Δώστε δυναμική στη μέρα σας με το νέο ACCENTUM True Wireless. Διαθέτει εξαιρετικά άνετο εργονομικό σχεδιασμό και μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής της μπαταρίας, που θα εξασφαλίσει μια κορυφαία εμπειρία ακρόασης όλη την ημέρα. Από την ανατολή έως τη δύση του ηλίου, βυθιστείτε στον υψηλής ποιότητας ήχο της Sennheiser, εμποδίζοντας όλους τους περισπασμούς με το Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation για μια απαράμιλλη εμπειρία ακρόασης.Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά:Εξαιρετική ολοήμερη άνεση: Σχεδιασμένο για εκτεταμένη ακουστική άνεση με βάση την εργονομική έρευνα πάνω στο αυτίΑνώτερη ποιότητα ήχου: Ακουστική τεχνολογία TrueResponse με τον χαρακτηριστικό ήχο της Sennheiser, προσαρμόσιμη μέσω της εφαρμογής Smart Control για εξατομικευμένο ταξίδι ήχου Effective ακύρωση θορύβου: Η υβριδική ενεργή ακύρωση θορύβου εξασφαλίζει μια καθηλωτική εμπειρία ακρόασης, εμποδίζοντας τους περισπασμούς σε οποιοδήποτε περιβάλλονΕκτεταμένη διάρκεια μπαταρίας: Έως και 8 ώρες αναπαραγωγής με επιπλέον 20 ώρες από τη θήκη φόρτισης για αδιάκοπο ήχο όλη την ημέραΠολύπλευρες επιλογές φόρτισης: Βολικές επιλογές ασύρματης φόρτισης Qi ή USB-C για τη θήκη για να σας κρατούν ''φορτισμένους'' χωρίς κόποTransparency Mode: Συντονιστείτε άμεσα στο περιβάλλον χωρίς να αφαιρέσετε τα ακουστικά, για επίγνωση της κατάστασηςΑσύρματη τεχνολογία αιχμής: συμβατότητα Bluetooth 5.3 και ήχος Bluetooth LE για προηγμένη συνδεσιμότητα, συμπεριλαμβανομένου ασύρματου ήχου Auracast

199 €
36 Δόσεις 6,87€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

880 €
36 Δόσεις 30,38€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

880 €
36 Δόσεις 30,38€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

905 €
36 Δόσεις 31,24€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

905 €
36 Δόσεις 31,24€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

924 €
36 Δόσεις 31,90€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Enhanced acoustic strip panelVicStrip Spacer Kit is an acoustic kit that improves the innovative slat panel VicStrip by using the frame structure of a VicSpacer XXL with an air gap and an additional layer of PET to enhance its acoustic performance engineered for demanding rooms, such as home cinemas and hi-fi listening spaces.VicStrip Spacer Kit main featuresA black frame around the entire structure of the VicSpacer XXL gives VicStrip a new decorative look.An air gap of 40mm between the panels and the wall is achieved behind the wood structure, which was conceived to optimize the acoustic response of the panel.A layer of VicPET Wool with 8mm is assembled behind the VicStrip panels which reach 12mm, making the panels a double-layer with around 20mm of PET to enhance sound absorption.Strip panel improved for hi-fi and home cinemaThe acoustic performance improvement with the two layers of PET and air gap makes the decorative VicStrip a sound-absorbing panel designed for select home cinema or hi-fi listening rooms.The VicStrip Spacer Kit includes:4 units of VicStrip 1190x595x12mm4 units of VicPet Wool 1190x595x8mm1 VicSpacer XXL (Black Frame)

924 €
36 Δόσεις 31,90€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

413 €
36 Δόσεις 14,26€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

413 €
36 Δόσεις 14,26€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

430 €
36 Δόσεις 14,85€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

430 €
36 Δόσεις 14,85€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

413 €
36 Δόσεις 14,26€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

VicStrip Square slat panels in 59.5x59.5cmVicStrip Square is a 59.5x59.5cm (23.4''x23.4'') version of the long 240 and 270cm VicStrip slat panels in a size common to most acoustic panels developed by Vicoustic, with the added value of being even more flexible and lightweight. The new size of the slat panels makes it possible to combine the VicStrip in different sizes, complete certain surfaces that may not match the original sizes of the panels, and mix the panels in different dispositions or with other square acoustic panels. Being an acoustic panel shorter in size, VicStrip Square is even more flexible to cut and adjust to any setting.Laminated PET from recycled plasticLike the original VicStrip, the VicStrip Square is a slat wall panel free of wood and created from sustainable materials, mainly recycled plastic transformed into acoustically enhanced PET. A layer of laminate industrially bonded to the PET allows it to reproduce a pattern that can either be natural wood or black or white matte.Being wood-free, VicStrip Square is a lightweight, flexible, easy-to-cut and readjust alternative to common slat panels. It can be easily glued to walls and ceilings, free of metal nails and with joints almost invisible. Less weight also means less expensive shipment and faster transport and installation.Indoor air qualityVicStrip Square is manufactured with VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile enhanced for additional acoustic performance. This material is mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, that is also recyclable at the end of life. VicPET Wool is a low-emitting solution and conforms to indoor air quality performance standards. This makes any room greener and suitable for green project certification. VicStrip Square is available in the size 595x595x12mm / 23.4''x23.4''x0.4'' , and six patterns: Natural Oak, Brown Oak, Natural Walnut, Lincoln Walnut, White Matte and Black Matte.VicStrip Square main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

413 €
36 Δόσεις 14,26€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

707 €
36 Δόσεις 24,41€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

707 €
36 Δόσεις 24,41€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

756 €
36 Δόσεις 26,10€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

756 €
36 Δόσεις 26,10€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

719 €
36 Δόσεις 24,82€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

719 €
36 Δόσεις 24,82€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

358 €
36 Δόσεις 12,36€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας

Slat panels free of woodVicStrip is a new innovative approach to slat panels by introducing Laminated VicPET Wool free of wood, making it more sustainable, flexible and lightweight.VicStrip was drawn with the lines of contemporary styling decorative wall panels, for anyone who wishes to provide offices, restaurants, hotels, and homes with a design-embellished solution amid the added value of removing sound reverberation.VicStrip main featuresLightweight, making it easy to transport, and apply, offering a less expensive shipmentEasy to cut and readjust to the room’s requirementsCan be glued or screwed to walls and ceilingsFree of wood, metal nails and with joints almost invisibleSustainable, by being manufactured with VicPET Wool, a material produced mainly from recycled plastic bottlesLow-emissions material, for good air quality, meeting the human-ecological requirements established for baby articles, without irritating skin or eyesA green product suitable for green project certificationSound absorption properties to control medium and high frequencies, engineered at Vicoustic research lab for VicPET WoolHumidity resistant with no dust generation during handlingWashable and easy to clean, simply by using a sponge and waterFits perfectly with the rest of the Vicoustic product range

358 €
36 Δόσεις 12,36€ / μήνα
Κατόπιν Παραγγελίας